Another case of measles in our country, this time is a sick pregnant woman


In addition to infants and young children, mothers and expectant mothers are also at risk.

The Regional Public Health Service (RÚVZ) based in Nitra was informed on Friday, December 14, 2018 of suspicion of in the case of measles in a pregnant woman from Šaľa district, arriving from Vietnam. Informed about this by the spokesperson of the Public Health Service (ÚVZ) SR Daša Račková.

Epidemiologists at RÚVZ Nitra immediately took all the necessary anti-epidemic measures to prevent the spread of measles during outbreaks. The person is already hospitalized at the Nitra Infection Clinic.

Measures against measles

"On Saturday, we performed laboratory tests on biological material collected at the National Reference Center for Morbils, Rubella and Parotitis at the IBA SR, which confirmed the measles disease.

Currently, appropriate anti-epidemic measures are taken, all contacts are detected, biological material is collected from suspects and domestic isolation is ordered for people who have been in contact with the disease on measles., "reports the health chief SR Ján Mikas.

Anti-epidemic measures at the time of the epidemic are immediately accepted in cooperation with health care providers and the respect of the national quarantine will be examined in cooperation with the city.

Supply imported from abroad

Nitra-based RÚVZ also reported two new laboratory-confirmed cases of measles in the Topoľčany and Šaľa districts this week, cases imported from Romania for employees of a Nitra-based company. The anti-epidemic measures taken during the epidemic have been secured and epidemiological investigations are being actively carried out, "said Račková.

In the Nitra region, on 15 December, there were 10 cases of measles in the districts of Nitra, Šaľa, Nové Zámky and Topoľčany.. "The RS IBA as well as regional public health authorities continue to pay increased attention to measles surveillance and closely monitor the epidemiological situation of measles in Slovakia and surrounding countries" she added.

Malpractice during pregnancy: What is the risk for the mother and the baby in the abdomen?

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