Apple in China invests $ 300 million in green electricity


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The California consumer electronics manufacturer will provide money to China to build an infrastructure that will produce green electricity someday. But Apple will not be alone, because its suppliers will also help. The China Fund for Clean Energy pays US $ 300 million over the next four years. With this money, they want to drive up to 1 million local households, CNET

"At Apple, we are extremely excited to be able to stand alongside other companies battling climate change " Lisa Jackson Vice President of Environmental Environments of Apple, and all that relates to it

"We were surprised by the number of our providers who have decided to participate in the fund, and we hope this model will be replicated on a global scale to help businesses of all sizes to have a significant positive impact on our planet. "

This information only comes to the surface as little long after we learned that the po even only works with green electricity. (1969009) (function (d, s, id) {19659009] {function (d, s, id)
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