Application developers had access to Gmail, reading thousands of people


There is no message directly in Google

BRATISLAVA. Third-party application developers can read private emails from Gmail users

The service's access settings allow authorized developers to view recipient addresses, entire messages, and other private information, reported Monday the Wall Street Journal. This may be hundreds of developers, but recalls both – Return Path and Edison Software

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Both companies are opposed to obtaining permissions users when they agree to the terms of use. According to CNET and The Verge, it was not clear in the terms that private messages would have people.

Read the terms

Two years ago, Return Path collected information for advertising companies. Edmond Software has read thousands of emails in the development of wise answers in the application

Read also: He stood at the birth of the Web: Nothing is free there, you pay with personal data

The Wall Street Journal has not found

However, the situation raises questions as to the amount of supervision that companies have on third parties who have access to their services.

Google, in response to the report on his blog, explains that they really are reviewing developers and applications before they can access and integrate them with Gmail

These applications include, for example, the e-mail clients, tour planners or customer management systems that link a Gmail account

Before giving access to their account for another application, users must screen with the permissions that application application, strongly on the blog recommended by Suzanne Frey, EFKA department for security, trust and privacy in Google.

No email from Google's employee has been read. The exception is only the cases where the user expressly requests and gives his consent or security reasons

Gmail has more than 1.2 billion active users according to the New York Times [19659006Howtofindoutwhohasaccess[19659008] You can directly check the security of your account using this link. Indicates which devices have recently joined your account, allows you to configure two-step verification, and also displays security-related events

You can also see more specific settings on com. In section Connection and security Search Applications to access the account

In the new window, click ]]

In the following window, you will see a list of applications that have access to your account. By clicking on the application, you will discover more detailed information. Button Delete Access [ad_2]
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