Are low-emission areas also in Slovakia?


It is only a matter of time when the Slovak authorities will use the legislation of last year and create the first low-emission areas.

Only vehicles of a given emission class are allowed to enter it. In the interview of TASR, the Minister of Environment László Sólymos (Most-Híd) said: "In the West, it is common that diesel cars are excluded from the city centers, this trend is clear, we made the legislative framework on local governments how to use this tool, "he said. According to his information, several mayors are considering the introduction of areas

According to Sólymosa, envirorezort does not have the tools to encourage self-government to create such areas. But cities could motivate citizens to use more environmentally friendly means of transport. " For example, they could set up favorite bands for cleaner cars ," suggests Sólymos.

The Minister also recalled in the interview that the protection of the air is a subject of extreme concern. Clearly identifying the political segments of air pollution and assigning concrete measures to them is also one of the objectives of the next air protection strategy. That's what the department wants to accept in the fall. According to the minister, the preparation of the strategy was one of the reasons why Slovakia came from a group of countries that the European Commission wanted to pursue for air quality [19659003ThestrategyfocusesonthethreemainsourcesofpollutionTheheadoftheenviro-stationwasforexampletheNovákycoalplantwhichisamajorpolluter

When asked why the Ministry of Strategy arrives this year, Sólymos responds that it is a complete document whose preparation takes a long time. " It is important that we do not adopt a quick strategy, but a good one ," he said. As a result, the ministry, in its words, tried to reach out to all those who would comment

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