Are our Smartphone sites for targeted advertising?


Recently, we wrote that Facebook has patented technology to use microphones in smartphones to listen to targeted advertising. However, many smartphone users say that businesses have been using this technology for a long time. Is it true?

"I talked to my friend about watches and they started to appear in the form of banner ads on the Internet" is full. Some of you may have experienced a similar situation

The Vice Port has published an article in which Sam Nichols describes how he spoke before the phone that he was considering going to the ### He also wanted to buy cheap t-shirts. Facebook started showing his t-shirt ads and also his university clock

SOURCE | Incipio

See Facebook has a patent for the use of microphones in smartphones for targeted advertising

Is it really realistic that smartphones can hear us? A group of scientists at Northeastern University spent a year researching this problem to prove or disprove this phenomenon. During the test, 10 Android smartphones polled 17,000 of the most popular Android apps and also 8,000 apps that sent information to Facebook

Of 17,200 apps tested up to 9,000 have access to the camera and to the microphone. However, scientists have found no evidence that some applications would activate a microphone and send audio files. Instead, they found that applications were recording the smartphone screen and sending information to third parties

An example is, for example, the use of GoPuff, which downloaded and sent images from the Appsee analysis screen. The video contained images of personal user information such as a postal code.

However, the study itself has its limits, like smartphones driven by an automated program and not by a man, while at the same time being a controlled environment, so scenarios that should normally start to be downloaded, did not have to happen.

SOURCE David Choffnes (Northeast University)

See Facebook has already shared user data with 52 companies

Although the conspiracy that our smartphones have been rejected has not been refuted, we should also think about what about us. The ads that poison us on the Internet are a combination of our behavior that gathers applications and targeted advertising

"What people do not realize is that there is a lot of things to look at in our daily lives. "David Choffnes, one of the scientists who studied the phenomenon of wiretapping

.All our online activities related to offline demographics or mortgages give businesses enough of Data for thoughtful targeted advertising – see what companies like Cambridge Analytica can do with human data – based on your social networking layout, you can create a profile and a relatively accurate profile of people associated with you. 19659015] Source Vice, Gizmodo

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