Are Slovaks poor? The investigations are very contradictory


Bratislava / Brussels 18 July 2018 (HSP / Photo: TASR-František Iván)

Surveys and economic statistics often do not reflect reality. Recently, several statistics have been published on the poverty of Slovaks. Eurostat says that we are the second most vulnerable country in the EU, while another survey indicates that Slovaks belong to countries where people most often buy gadgets, which is supposed to be a evidence of low income and poverty. Where is it true?

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Eurostat found that there is more than one-fifth of the EU's poverty-stricken countries in the EU. This applies to Romania, Bulgaria and Spain. According to the latest statistics on living conditions of citizens of the Union, Slovakia is at the other end of the ranking. People living at risk of poverty lived here 12.7% in 2016 as well as in the Netherlands.

The Secretary of the Slovak Bishops' Conference (KBS), Anton Ziolkovsky, also writes that it is a positive message "Slovakia is the country years has made great progress in its governance and standard of living. It is also demonstrated by the fact that we, together with the Netherlands, are the countries most at risk of poverty, according to the Eurostat survey.This is particularly gratifying for the political parties that have governed the Slovakia in recent years, "wrote Ziolkovsky, noting that this does not mean that there is no poverty to eliminate


Eurostat figures indicate that more and more Slovaks are moving from poverty to the so-called "middle class that does not fight vital needs basic, but it has often been shown that European statistics must be safeguarded

For example, the Czech sociologist Daniel Prokop from Median to Hospodářské noviny questions this survey when he says that Eurostat is not taking According to him, about 30% of people are threatened by poverty in our conditions, that is to say almost as much as reported by the Statistical Office of the EU.

"There is always a certain degree of uncertainty in these surveys. In our surveys, for example, we have encountered the phenomenon that the poorest people often overestimate their income, while they are more underestimated, "argues the sociologist, distorting the results of the statistics


Slovaks buy the most talented goods

And now, from the second end. According to the survey and Nielsen consulting firm, Slovaks belong to countries where traders make the most of their profits on the so-called "

The survey shows that more than half of sales (56%) distribution chains in our country are represented by products in stock, namely products made from graduated leaflets, gadgets just before the end of the consumption or supply. the EU accounts for about half of the 28 percent share of gold in the total chain business figure.

This is reflected in our national sense of poverty (good that we would not be so bad anymore), the feeling of eternal danger (even if we, beside us, did not threaten us), a deep feeling of mistrust towards the Lord,


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