Are we getting used to it? Sagan will not win as easily as before


today 10:45

Since his first participation in the Tour de France, Peter Sagan dominates the competition every year. When he came to questionable exclusion last year. Now, however, he has a native of Žilina after years in the fight for the green jersey of his first serious contender.

NOT COMPLETED: Complete program of the Tour de France 2018 >>

The new strong opponent of Sagan is 23 years old Fernando Gaviria who won the first round of the Tour de France this year. Peter Sagan

"It can already be said that he will be his competitor.But, when someone, except Peter, wins the stage where he is smoked, we must consider him a competitor. " Š Peter Velits

READ: A tour is no rival, says Jan Svorad about Sagan >> [19659006] The Colombian runner has up to here been very unknown to many, but has shown its quality over the years. His star began to shine three years ago, beating Dominic in the third stage of the San Luis Tower Mark Cavendish

"If I have to be honest, I surprised myself. 39, whole year for the races, but I did not know what to do with them.The first day, I started to try it, but I hoped only a podium for cyclists under 23 years old. "

" I never thought that I could win any of the stages.But it happened.Just in front of the goal, I still had a lot of strength in the legs, so I got to work Gaviria's victory on


After the triumph in the first round of this year's Tour de France , Gaviria was the one dominated by Peter Sagan, part of the mass drop two miles ahead of the target.

"It's hard, but it's the To win, you must risk more. You have to count on the falls, because if you're scared, you will not win, "he said after the second round of the Tour de France Gaviria

which are still enormous for the Colombian, especially for the Colombian cycling direction .It is the main goal of the mounds.

"Almost every race is over in the hills, where it can not be hurt in the target. While some stages of the target are adapted to the sting, many are very dangerous, and they are mostly affected by heavy falls. In addition, only a few of the top sprinters will finish them, "admitted Gaviria, who also decided to spend most of the season at the European Championships in 2016.


In 2016, Gaviria graduated several classics of elite. Milano-San Remo or Gent-Wevelgem where he even finished a solid sixth place. The following year, he showed his full potential by winning the Giro d'Italia [196590022] and he added four triumphs

"I can not describe this first success for me turn means. We have worked hard throughout the races, we have always been ahead, and we are all happy now. " Gaviria says to

VIDEO: The hard fight to win between Gaviria and Sagan will be seen more and more ]

But the calf injury has come, but the event was eventually followed by the world championships in Bergen.

"I was training hard for the month, but I was not yet in shape in Bergen for the third time in after. "It's a bike, but it's going to be better," added a rider from the elite team of Quick-Step Floors.

A native of La Ceja, 40 km from Medellin, also announced his goals for the coming season. to be the best in the world and drive to win more often. It motivates me to work hard at training, especially when it is not easy at all.

DOES NOT REPRESENT: Peter Sagan created a new record besides victory: []


  Peter Sagan "title =" Peter Sagan | Š «/> </source></picture><span class=
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Peter Sagan

Source: Reuters

With his high ambitions, Gaviria is now trying to show the Tour de France, where he is rightly regarded as one of Peter Sagan's biggest rivals in a green jersey fight. But many can not imagine

"Anything is possible, it's not just about how they will compete for the points, there are still many steps ahead of us and that can happen everywhere.For example, Michael Matthews is now out.But in a normal fight, it's real.I do not say that one is better than the other.Peter, however, has the huge advantage of having won the green jersey several times.You can set a good tactic.I know when Gaviria will score and when not, " said Peter Velits for our site

Although that Peter Sagan has not had a lot of competition in the pack in recent years, Gaviria will definitely be. According to Petra Velitsa, however, a 28-year-old Slovakian has no reason to panic and worry that a serious competitor suddenly appears on the "Old Man"

. "Peter does not really care about him and he will not think about it at all.If nothing special happens, the chance to get the green jersey again is high.We will continue to follow his battles. with Gaviri this year. " Peter Velits concluded.


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