Are you joking a swimsuit when you come out of the water? Be careful, these problems are threatening


Do not underestimate the situation, otherwise you could cause serious health complications for you and your family.

What does not promote the urinary tract

The urinary tract inflammation is a relatively common disease, its treatment belongs to the hands of the expert. According to Igor Bartl, urologist at the University Hospital of Bratislava, women who suffer from frequent urinary tract infections are linked to bathing, sub-cooling, but also to warming.

Prevention: regular dry bath or shorter stay in cold or stagnant water, especially in natural lakes that do not need to be hygienically tested

The urinary tract does not do not contribute:

  • sitting on a cold stone or railing in a shadow
  • .

Regular alcohol diet helps prevent bacteria from being preserved in the urinary tract.

During the summer, intimate care is more demanding because the increased sweat provides the ideal space for bacterial growth. So it is important regular shower and preference for cotton underwear before artificial fibers When showering, it is best to use finely scented soaps or those that are totally scent-free, but bactericidal soaps can interfere with the natural microflora of intimate areas.

Mycosis of the summer: pay attention to them, your wet babies will easily have your daughters
Ignite as a seaside season [19659905] If precautionary measures in humans are to cause inflammation of the urinary tract, it is important to have an alcohol regimen and a visit Immediately to the doctor who prescribes the appropriate treatment is mainly antibiotics. in the treatment of urinary tract infections is very important. We do not talk about alcohol or coffee, but clean water, diluted vegetable juice or odors from diuretic herbs. The urine should be light without any unpleasant smell. In addition, a cheap diet is recommended, dry and hot, without physical or mental stress, "says Bartl

With a useless wait, autolysis, inflammation can also spread to the kidney, causing d? other complications and prolonging the treatment time. If the disease becomes chronic, there is a risk of kidney damage, where antibiotics may no longer be useful.

The most common cause of urinary tract infection is the E. coli bacteria, which usually lives in human and animal guts. The infection also affects stress, smoking or weakening of immunity in other diseases. Bacteria can reach the mouth of the urethra more deeply during intercourse

. "From the lower urinary tract, inflammation can reach the urethra higher, that is to say the kidneys.It is very important that patients do not underestimate the treatment and even banal inflammation of the lower urinary tract.When inflammation attacks the kidneys, it is a serious illness.The patient must be hospitalized in heavier cases and receive antibiotics directly into the vein. " Bartl added.

The urinary tract threatens girls: What are the causes and how are they treated?

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