As a result of the experience with viagra, 11 newborns died in the Netherlands


Amsterdam, July 25, 2018

Earlier, Dutch scientists announced that they would conduct an experiment in which pregnant women would give viagra to misplaced women to speed up the development of the fetus. But the experience ended in disaster when eleven newborns died as a result. The University Medical Center in Amsterdam, which conducted the research, immediately stopped testing and began investigating the problem.


The project that began in 2015 took place in 11 hospitals in the Netherlands. An erection disorder (sildenafil) that improves blood circulation was used by 93 pregnant women in the project. 90 other women took a placebo.

A total of 20 children were born in the study, with only three mothers who did not use viagra

Similar research had already been done by research centers in Britain , in Australia or Australia. New Zealand. The experts then revealed no negative or positive effects of Viagry on newborns.

Placental deficient placenta, according to experts, severely limits fetal growth in the mother's uterus. The baby can be born prematurely, with a low birth weight and a low chance of survival. There is currently no effective treatment for this disorder


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