At the age of 99, Peter Carington, the last government minister, Winston Churchill, passed away


LONDON, July 10 ( – At the age of 99, British politician Peter Carington died, the last living Prime Minister of Winston Churchill.

Peter Carington, Lord Carrington, was born on June 6, 1919. In the House of Lords, he worked since 1945 after his military service ended in World War II.

Later, he served as Minister of Defense or during Margaret Thatcher's reign as Foreign Minister. He resigned from the last appointed post in 1982 when he assumed the responsibility of not anticipating and preventing the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands. From 1984 to 1988, he was Secretary General of NATO and later negotiator of the European Union in diplomatic efforts to end the civil war in Yugoslavia

Several British politicians reacted to the Carington's death. The head of government, David Lidington, who stated that the politician "has dedicated his career as an official", the office of Prime Minister Theresa Maya, and former Prime Minister David Cameron,

came from the government. AP and the website

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