Attack of a cop in front of the Slovak Embassy


A stranger attacked a knife Friday on a policeman guarding the Slovak Embassy in the Russian capital. Interfax has announced with a call to the Moscow police.

The injured cop was hospitalized. "Unknown man Friday around 5 pm (approximately 14 am CEST) injured the cop by a sharp subject and then escaped from the crime scene," quoted spokesman of the police. Police are now looking for a man "Caucasian appearance" aged 25 to 30 years, 175 to 180 centimeters tall

The attacker, according to server, has planted several injuries to knife. , designed to protect diplomatic representations. A cop has a successful operation and is out of danger

"Captain Sergei Nekrasov was seriously injured", wrote the daily Moskovskij komsomolec on his website, in which he also published pictures of An assailant assailant, such as he caught the passerby on his mobile phone. Nekrasov, according to the newspaper, came to the embassy to check his subordinates, guarding the ambassadors of two stations. (19659005) The abuser, whose strange behavior was noticed by people before the attack, came to him and began to stab him with a knife The surprise captain tried to repel the attacker, and perhaps most of the injuries turned out to be superficial. After seven wounds, the attacker took off It was not possible to hold him back. "Moskovskij komsomolec

The Slovak Embassy is located in the center of Moscow, a piece of the Czech Embassy., E, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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