Austria and Germany want to stop migratory flows


Germany and Austria want to jointly fight against illegal migration in the EU and against the uncontrolled movement of asylum seekers in Europe.

Italy is also trying to get involved in this process. Asylum seekers registered in Greece and Italy will return to the territory of these countries without being a burden to the Austrians This is what the German Minister said in Vienna of the Interior and Horst Seehofer, head of the CSU, with the Austrian office Sebastian Kurz.

Seehofer confirmed that illegal asylum seekers in Germany will not be returned to Austria but detention centers near the Austrian-German border will appear in Italy and Greece, where they have sought legal protection after joining the European Union. He stated that up to two-thirds of the refugees in Germany came from Greece and Italy, adding that Spain had not yet these measures back

" Austria has nothing to fear, no one will be held responsible for asylum seekers, " Seehofer

The journalist admitted that he was pleased with the talks with Seehofer because Germany had clarified his position, and about the German government coalition, he said that "managed to do more than in the last two years". He recalled that next week in Innsbruck will meet the ministers of the interior of Germany, Austria and Italy, whose task will be to find a common solution to stop the roads Migrants from the South (Mediterranean) to reduce the number of migrants in Europe

in the Austrian Alps and recalled that Greece and Italy have the obligation to deal with illegal migration. The Federal Minister of the Interior added that talks with Greece and Italy are expected to take place in the coming weeks stressing that there will be tough negotiations within reach pan. That is why, according to him, he should stand at the highest political level, between the Cabinet of Angelou Merkel and Prime Ministers Giuseppe Contem and Alexis Tsipras

"If the negotiations with Greece and the Italy fail, our countries will think of new measures to stop illegal migration "(f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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