Babis in Austria solved both migration and brexit


Andrej Babiš met on Friday with the British, Austrian and Estonian Prime Ministers in Salzburg.

Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis met his counterparts from Britain, Austria and Estonia on Friday in Salzburg, Austria. They held joint meetings and meetings between four eyes, called the news channel Nova Saturday evening

They notably talked about the planned migration and departure of the UK from the EU. But they also left time for culture

Government officials first discussed migration together. Then there were two-way discussions behind closed doors. Prime Minister Babis met the Austrian cabinet of Sebastian Kurz, Estonian Prime Minister Jürmis Ratas and finally British Prime Minister Theresa May

He wants a radical solution

. The government rejects the quota and the reception of illegal refugees. However, it has been said, for example, that the issue of migration in the coming years will significantly affect elections in Europe.

"After seeing what happened in Ceuta yesterday (July 26), 600 illegal migrants attacked Spanish police said that it is an issue that needs to be addressed in a radical way", declared the Czech Prime Minister.

But a big subject was also the brexit. The Czech Republic should maintain good relations with Great Britain. In addition, Babis also thought about culture. Sebastiana Kurza invited to the concert of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra in Vienna

Maya and Rataso will not be deprived, notes TV Nova. "I invited Ms. May to a concert of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra in London on October 24. Well, Jüri Ratas looks forward to a visit to Prague, sometimes he would come with his wife," Babiš calculated [19659010]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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