Bathrobe Trnka sought in Spain the opportunity to use geotourism in the region


The President of Košický samosprávny kraj took part in the conference in León.

January 2019 at 08h11 TASR

KOSICE. The President of Kosovský samosprávny kraj (KSK), Rastislav Trnka, participated in recent days in León, Spain, at the conference "Management and Policy in the Mining and Metallurgical Regions of the EU", organized by the international association MIREU.

That's what the spokeswoman for KSK President Anna Činčárová said.

According to the spokesperson, the conference aimed to find solutions such as the revival of the mining industry or the development of attractive mining attractions of the KSK.

Bane open to tourists

"Mining has a rich tradition in our region. For example, about 14,000 people worked in spas. At present, there are only two mines with fewer than 50 miners in this region. The tradition of banana deserves our attention. is to shake up geotourism in the mining area, earn money for tourists and deploy those still hiding mineral wealth, "said Trnka.

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The conference participants also discussed the factors impeding the development of the mining and metallurgical industries in Europe.

"Together with our foreign partners, our region will work to improve the conditions for sustainable access and supply of raw materials in the EU countries.We have agreed that the regions are key players in the provision of the European wealth in raw materials and that this craftsmanship can not disappear – regions like Spis or Gemer, "said Trnka.

The county cooperates with the faculty

According to him, the region cooperates in this field with the faculty of mining, ecology, management and geotechnology of the Košice Technical University (BERG TUKE).

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"The BERG TUKE faculty is the leader in exploiting the potential of geotourism in relation to the use of terrestrial resources." The transfer of knowledge and innovation has been effective through co-operation. from the different regions of the European Union, which resulted in the preparation of new projects H2020 and other challenges "Dean of the faculty BERG TUKE Michal Cehlár.

It brings together 30 partners

The international MIREU project brings together 30 partners from 16 European mining and metallurgical regions.

It focuses on creating a network of mining and metallurgical regions across Europe to help regions share their knowledge and experience in the face of the challenge of creating and maintaining the region. ;mining industry.

KSK is one of the project partners.

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