Beautiful! Kensington Palace officially released photos of Prince Louis


Kensington Palace published four official photographs of the baptism of the Prince of Louis, which took place on Monday, July 9 at the Royal Chapel of St. Louis. James' Palace in London.

Beautiful pictures originated at Clarence House in London after the baptisms themselves. Photographs by famous photographer Matt Holyoak depict Kate and her husband Prince William posing with their three children, the little Prince Louis, three-year-old Princess Charlotte and four-year-old Prince Georg, as well as others members of the royal family.

One of the photos is to see Kate in the garden while Prince Louis is holding him. Kate had an elegant white dress on this extraordinary day of the late fashion designer Alexander McQueen, whose head was admired by Jane Taylor's fascinator with beautiful flowers.

The prince was wrapped in a replica of a royal white bracelet and a cream-colored satin gown that they used for the first time in 1841. It is currently produced by Queen Queen Angela Kelly. At baptism, they used the Jordan water and the silver court made in 1840 by Queen Viktoria.

Source: Instagram / kensingtonroyal

Source: Instagram / kensingtonroyal

Source: Instagram / kensingtonroyal

Source: Instagram / kensingtonroyal

A few hours later, Kensington Palace publishes another photo of Prince Louise in his mother's arms. The photographer managed to capture his adorable laugh.

Source: Instagram / kensingtonroyal
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