Beňová and Flašík have not officially disposed of property after the divorce. Where does he live?


  • 18 July 2018, 06:30

BRATISLAVA – MEP Monika Beňová and Fedor Flašík have not been married since last April. The common property is still not organized, written weekly PLUS 7 DAYS

  flasikovci, flasik, benova

Croatia: the MEP says that she has a vacation in Croatia. Maybe Fedor rents his apartment someday. Source: PLUS 7 DAYS

It is not common for former husbands to remain friends after divorce. However, I probably did it. Monika Beňová (49) and her ex-husband Fedor Flašík (59) separate without problems or traditional obstacles. The official couple did not create it from April 2017. The unhappy step of the former spouses declared each time that they had to express themselves about the way they spoke. "I still love her and I respect her," he told Fedor New Time about a month after the divorce.

Sulík had to offer the post to the chief SaS Kiska. CSS Claims

Together they showed up to 50 Vice President of Management Martin Glvac in November last year. After a little grumpy laugh, they danced together. "Yes, we have good relationships, we've also talked about good relationships, I do not see when people come down, why they start hating, they've survived a part of life together, so we really have very good relations, "she told Be médiasová media.

She is at home, he is the rest

Good relations, a name striped from newspapers. Closed chapter? Not quite. Flašíkovci since the divorce in April 2017 has still not destroyed the properties. Together they had a cottage in Detve, which was sold by Flašík a year ago. Another hut in Austria or a yacht and an apartment in Croatia

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"We do not have a co-owner single after the divorce with Fedor. We have agreed, however, that apart from the house and the related plot in Vrakuni that belong to me, there is the remaining property, the one you are asking for, Fedorov, "Beňová writes.

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