Beňová: MPs should have more space in the media and parliament


Beňová regrets that Danko did not invite the deputies to the plenary of the National Council as last year

30. July 2018 at 8:01 am TASR

ŠTRASBURG, BRATISLAVA. In order to increase voter turnout in the next European Parliament elections in Slovakia, it would be necessary for Slovak MEPs to sit on the National Council and also more media

. Their outcome will also depend on the way in which the national political parties

MEP Monika Beňová (Smer), a member of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, told the TASR during the plenary session of July of the European Parliament in Strasbourg

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Speech in Parliament

Beňová regrets that the President of the National Council, Andrej Danko, despite the fact that the Regulation allows, n & rsquo; He did not invite the deputies to the plenary as he did last year

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"This year we have already sent three warrants, but I do not know how they will be," said Beňová.

According to Beňová, it does not seem interesting to present the deputies in plenary not only their work, but also a vision of the direction that the Union should take in the future.

She also thinks that the problem is that the media would be better able to present the work of MEPs and could more

"So, it's a matter of national parties how national political tents want to address the themes of the elections to the European Parliament because I feel as if we were still in the parallel world for five years so the elections come and we look at each other and we think that where to go, "she said.

Low turnout

Beňová also regrets that the election in Slovakia was the lowest in 2014. The MEP believes that the topics that the European Parliament receives are also beneficial to the citizens of the member states.

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"We deputies are often seen as if we are discussing in the European Parliament something that does not concern our citizens ", said Beňová

stressing that at present, Slovak deputies are there to defend the interests of Slovakia.

Recent results from the EU's Eurobarometer survey have shown that the European Parliament elections that will take place In May 2019, 30% of Slovaks are interested.

Most respondents (54%) are confident that their vote will not change, 48% of them do not relate to politics or elections in general, and almost half of those surveyed (47%) expressed the view that

Slovakia's voter turnout was the lowest in the European Union (13.05%)

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