Berlin wants to maintain its closest relationship with Britain even after Brexies


According to Merkel, progress in negotiations is gradual

10. July 2018 at 21:28 TASR

LONDON. Germany will seek after the departure of Britain from the European Union to preserve the closest relations with this island monarchy.

The German Federal Agency Angela Merkel announced it Tuesday in London at a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May. under the video advertisement

The Office sees the progress

See also: Review of May: The eggs are not cooked, the sweet brexit is not brexit

According to Merkel, The Progress Brexite. The remaining 27 EU Member States plan to publish the content of the latest British Government package and will respond to it after examination

a white paper containing the above mentioned content, proposals for the modification of trade relations with the United Kingdom. Union adopted at the Friday session of the British government in Checkers, apparently on Thursday

Merkel said Tuesday that it is good that proposals are already on the table

The Bureau did not commented

But the Bureau refused to give details about the possible response of the EU, so that he did not even answer the question of whether he could imagine a customs union with the United Kingdom

. Of the Western Balkan countries, whose position was Tuesday, Maya said at a press conference that Britain is committed to increasing financial assistance from 95% to 80 million. sterling in 2020-2021

can, in its own terms, be used to reform the judiciary in Albania and K improving the business environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, developing digital knowledge Millions of schoolchildren throughout the region but also strengthening democracy and the rule of law in the countries of the region

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