biathlon, purple flag, VŠC Dukla, Slovak Biathlon Association


Nov. 27, 2018 at 11:51 am TASR

BANSKÁ BYSTRICA. High Military Center The Military Sports Center (VŠC) Dukla Banská Bystrica defends the attitude of Sister Fialkov and refers to the public: "The representation of RS can not be subordinated to the signing of a contract."

The Military Sports Center employs Pauline and Ivon Fialk and earns intense public interest in the sport.

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Fialks already has a signed contract

In his opinion, both are professional athletes who perform sports activities as dependent work.


The Slovak representative does not become an athlete by signing the contract, but thanks to his particular talent and by obtaining outstanding competitive results in the world.



VŠC athletes have a work contract in which they exercise sports activities as high level athletes. They are required to respect the sports training schedule and to participate in the races in accordance with the annual plan.

In this case, the public interest is guaranteed by the VŠC and the union is not allowed to intervene in any way whatsoever.

As stated in the notice, the Slovak Biathlon Federation (SZB) has communicated to the VŠC a sports training schedule, which also includes starts at major events, and these representatives must participate in the employment contract. . These are his obligations under the employment contract.

Read also: World Cup without Fialkov? I do not allow myself, said Paulina

VSC is currently preparing all biathlon athletes on the list of top teams. For the year 2018, it is the Fialka Sisters, Anastasia Kuzmin and Matej Kazar.

The above list ensures the preparation of the other members of the biathlon performance.

It employs five trainers and provides representatives in the field of physical training of physiotherapists.

Representation is a public interest

Similarly, seven athletes in the talented youth category are monitored in the VSC, which also participates in their sport training. As a result, the budget is supported by BiH in 2018, for an amount of about 370,000 euros.

The representation of the principal representative can not be subordinated to the signature of the contract. Representing the SR is a public interest, which is precisely expressed in § 2 of Law no. 440/2015 Coll. of the Sports Act.

Read also: The biathlon union criticizes the inspector and the lawyers of the Fialkov sisters

"The public interest in sport is to support and develop youth sport, to ensure the preparation and participation of the sports representation of the Slovak Republic in important competitions, to protect the integrity of sport and promote a healthy lifestyle for the population. "

The obligation to satisfy this public interest is also one of the conditions of admission to the sports federation of the National Sports Federation.

The Slovak representative does not become an athlete by signing the contract, but thanks to his particular talent and by obtaining outstanding competitive results in the world.

If the condition of representation of the Slovak Republic was the signature of the contract, any person who would accept the contract could be represented even without the required execution.

When an athlete meets performance criteria and is nominated by a sports organization as a member of a sports team, he does not need to enter into a special contract or condition his participation in a sporting event. major sporting event.

Zväz vs. personal rights

On the other hand, the athlete is already subject to obligations arising directly from the law, particularly with regard to the obligations of the sports organization regarding the use and the valuation of the athlete. his personal rights, unless otherwise agreed.

In order to respond to the public interest, the State, through the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic, funds representatives on behalf of their sports preparations, pays funds to the National Sports Federation to finance participation in major events and also finances the sports centers of the resort. , which guarantee public interest in sport from public sources.

The state invests primarily in athletes to meet the public interest. However, if someone deliberately reverses this public interest, he must be held responsible for the loss of such an investment.

It is therefore our duty to protect the public interest and to take all possible measures to prevent its deterioration, says the opinion of Dukla University.

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