Billy Barman releases his first live album, they will be relegated to Pohoda festival


yesterday at 09:00 | redakcia

The group Billy Barman graduated with the girls from Słuk during the Potich tour in the spring, demonstrating that folklore can work in conjunction with india pop. He quietly gets room in the form of a concert recording, which he planned for this year's Pohoda. The album is also released on CD in digital form at Slnko Records.

"The idea of ​​making a recording of concerts with S deUK girls was born gradually, we had nothing planned before the tour, but we became aware of the unique atmosphere of the concerts and the excellent response from the audience, strings, "says Jozef Vrabel of Billy Barman. Billy Barman and singers of SĽUK -u made their premiere at Tatra Flowers Festival Last summer, without a technique and a microphone, they played a concert based on the pure acoustic instruments and the voices of Słuk girls, and on the basis of positive feedback they decided to create an expanded program, which was launched during a spring tour in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

"We enjoyed the concert of the Bratislava concert in the old Halle, and we finally decided to mix it and to release it, especially because the concert in front of the V The 2,500-person Market is not played every day. "
Potichu offers compositions on which the musicians are distinguished, and they all feel that this concert was extraordinary," adds Jozef Vrabel.The band's songs overlap with the girls' songs but the word gets both separately.We know that songs like Vrkoč, Traja, (Her) Freedom or Young Missing War have received a new acoustic adaptation.The new dress was also brought by the guest – the cimbalist Marcel Comendant, the second drummer Marián Slávka or the marimba instrument used in the combination of Stano / Ahmed / Introvert

The fact that the singer Juraj Podmanický is a former member of the whole folklore manifests itself in a popular song despised Down Cemetery whose text appears in the popular song Strmá voda.The girls of Słuk enrich the concert of beautiful songs viable songs crazy from different regions of Slovakia. In addition to singing, they play, dance or have fun with the discordant group of "drinking" songs.

Recordings of Potich's concerts will be Billy Barman's fourth album. The recordings of Night Riders (2010), Blue Language (2013) and Breathtaking Paintings (2016) were recorded on the Radio_Head Awards. Unfortunately, it will be released on July 6th under the Slnko Records brand, christened this Thursday at the Pohoda festival at 8pm on the Orange stage.

Photo: Lousy Auber

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