Blood test reveals melanoma – Health and prevention – Health


  Sign, Cancer, Skin, Melanoma

A blood test should facilitate the detection of skin cancer before it becomes a lethal stage. Photo illustration

Scientists Developed a Blood Test That Detects Melanoma Early

Making it Easier to Find
skin cancer before it becomes a deadly step and could do it
save lives. It will not reveal any other types of skin cancer.
The results of the research were published in the magazine Oncotarget, which brought the information
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The test, which was developed at Edith Cowan University in Perthe,
the presence of auto-antibodies that the body produces in the first
stages of melanoma. Scientists have tested 200 people on the sample,
half of them had cancer. The test results were correct in 81.5%

Now, there are clinical trials that wait for three years.
Researchers would like to increase its accuracy during this time
at 90%. Hoping that the use of the test could be approved by
five years

Currently, clinicians rely on melanoma to diagnose melanoma.
skin examination and biopsy. While specialists can reveal changes to
skin, according to Professor Mel Ziman, who led the research, could test them
speed up the diagnosis. And timely diagnosis is in the case of melanoma
extremely important

"If we can remove melanoma while it is thinner than a millimeter,
the patient has a 98-99% chance of survival, "she explained.
in the moment to further expand, the probability of survival

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