Bloodshed in Syria: Three suicide bombings, 156 people killed, Daes accused


"There are 62 civilians killed, the rest being fought by militants and villagers who have died in battles with Islamic militants attacking militants," said SAMR director Rami Abdal Rahman. He added that the extremist organization of Daesh had lost 38 militants during attacks, including four suicide bombers. According to the SOHR, it is the largest number of victims ever recorded in Suwajdah province. The organization added that more than 210 people were injured in attacks and fights

At least four Daesh suicide bombers, according to information from SOHR, detonated explosives in Suwajdah. The violent struggle in the area around this city continued after these assaults. In the north-east of Suwajdah, extremists carried out apparently coordinated attacks on several villages where they clashed with government forces. The three villages would have managed to occupy them

Daeh entered the attacks and said that his fighters had killed 100 renegades. "Caliphate soldiers attacked security and government posts in Suwajdah City," Daeh said in a statement, adding that dozens of people had been injured. Local residents of the DPA said that the explosions were perceptible throughout the city and that people panicked, but now the situation has calmed down and security forces have set up new checkpoints in the city. The local governor also confirmed that the city was already "safe and peaceful".

The Syrian public television channel Al-Ichbaria had announced that one of the attackers had been thrown into the air in Suwajdah crossing the vegetable market. . Another attacked other places full of people. The other two suicide bombers fired after they started pursuing their security forces

The attacks in Suwajd took place during a government offensive in southern Syria, where soldiers fought a group linked to Dessa near the border with the Golan. areas. Government forces have managed to dominate the territory controlled by former insurgents in the border area and are currently fighting with them. Daeš has been largely defeated in Syria and Iraq, but still controls small areas in the south and east of Syria, reminds AP agency

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