BMW will build a new one billion euro race in Hungary


Debrecen also chose a good infrastructure

31. July 2018 at 11:25 TASR

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MNÍCHOV. BMW will build a new one billion euro race in Hungary

The state will be in Debrecen and will employ more than 1,000 people. There will be an annual output of up to 15,000 vehicles with incinerators, hybrids and electric motors, a German problem in Munich said Tuesday

Construction is expected to start about a year. When the power plant goes into service and what models it will produce, it is still open, said a spokesman for BMW

Read also: Slovakia is in the game of the fifth car. Chinese automaker confirms its interest in Kosice

BMW has long speculated as a next car that could arrive in the industrial park near Haniske near Kosice

"The decision to build a new race highlights the prospects for global growth from BMW Group, "

" We are now strengthening our investments in China, Mexico and the United States, and thus the overall balance of our production divided between Asia, America and Europe. "

In Germany, BMW is investing only in this year more than one billion euros to modernize racing and electromobility

Competitive Audi produces engines and vehicles in Hungary. BMW has stated as the reason for its decision for Debrecen its good infrastructure, the proximity of the supply chain and the skilled labor

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