Trump criticized a record fine for Google by the European Commission and threatened to retaliate against the EU. "The European Union has just fined $ 5 billion at one of our big Google companies. It really uses the United States, but it's not long ago. ", he wrote on Twitters.

New Giant Airliner BelugaXL made its first flight. The machine landed at the airport of Toulouse French after flying for more than 4 hours

Airbus BelugaXL. Foto – ap

The same electric vehicle Tesla Model S has already traveled more than 640 thousand kilometers. During this time, he was changed twice in battery and especially in tires. The battery has been replaced by the car manufacturer for free. As a result, the owner's electric car only has a few cents per kilometer. (Techbox)

The US company Comcast has withdrawn from the fight for 21st Century Fox's assets. At the same time, Walt Disney was the winner of the $ 71.3 billion offer. (bbc)

The growth of the euro area economy will slow down in the coming years, the IMF said. While the region's GDP grew 2.4% last year, the rate of expansion would only reach 1.4% in 2023. (AP)

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