Border posts Ubľa and Vyšné Nemecké block Ukrainian drivers


Transportation of goods, buses and unrestricted walking passes.

November 26, 2018 at 15:13 TASR

UBLAS, GERMAN TOP. Border Crossings Malyj Bereznyj – Ubľa and Uzhhorod – Vyšné Nemecké block personal transport on the Ukrainian side, hitting drivers of passenger cars registered in member countries of the European Union.

As Kovalas Baloghová, regional spokesman for the Michalovce customs office, reported on Monday, Ukrainian drivers on strike had blocked the Ukrainian side of the Malyj Bereznyj-Ubľa border crossing before the afternoon.

"On Monday, at 1 pm, they also blocked personal transport at the entrance of Ukraine in Slovakia at the border post of Uzhhorod – Vyšné Nemecké," she explained.

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Walking, bus and unlimited goods transport

According to information provided by the Ukrainian side, the protest action would seek to amend the Ukrainian customs legislation with respect to vehicles registered outside Ukraine.

"The customs office constantly monitors the situation at the border crossing point and is in contact with the Ukrainian side, but we do not have accurate information on the duration of the protest action of Ukrainian citizens to that time, "said Balogh.

She said that they would inform the public of the situation.

Freight traffic is blocking the spokesperson for the moment. Nor is it a bus that has been particularly redeployed at the time of the blockade to provide equipment for the freight transport routes.

"Pedestrians have the opportunity to use the border crossings of Ubľa and Veľké Slemence without restrictions," she added.

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