Boy (3) in England pollinated with acid: PHOTO Shocking revelation, accusing a trio of Slovaks


Acid attack in the English city: only a three-year-old boy became a victim

Charges of 22 to 41 years old were brought to court today by MailOnline. There are three Slovaks living in London Adam Adam. (27), Jána D. (25), Norbert P. (22), Afganca Jabara P. (41) from Wolverhampton and a 39-year-old boy from Wolverhampton, whose name has not been published for legal reasons

  Chlapcek (3) in England


During a two-hour hearing, the men sat quietly. As a result, three of them were detained and reappeared before the jury on August 28.

Source: Facebook

The police refused to comment on the speculation that the boy was the subject of a family dispute. However, he does not believe that the attack was related to organized or race-motivated crime. The boy has the protection of the police. His Afghan mother has two other children

Adam No

<img src = "" title = "Z utoku na dieťa" alt = "Source: Facebook

" Our police officers are working hard on the investigation. it was a rare incident, and that there is no greater risk to the public (similar attacks), " said Inspector Jim Bayliss. 39; police assistant Mark Travis believes that the boy was deliberately attacked, but the motive of the attack is still not clear

Norbert P:

  From the attack against the Child

Source: Facebook

 At the attack by the acid suffered

Source: Twitter / Birmingham Updates

Law Enforcement

Britain has been experiencing a growing number of deaths. acid attacks in recent years, especially in London. The Ministry of the Interior is considering toughening laws regarding the detention of similar substances in public and criminal prosecutions. The government has already limited the trade in sulfuric acid and banned the sale of children

  Boy (3) in England

Source: SITA / Matthew Cooper / PA via AP

a 46-year-old woman who suffered serious injuries. Police asked potential witnesses to register. An attacker probably came on a moped or a bicycle. In March, the British court sent a seventeen-year-old boy to prison for six and a half years, who attacked six people with acid. Derryck John, seventeen, lasts one evening in July with acid on a six-person helmet

Jabar P.

<img src = " /big/2224527.jpg/Worcester-Spojene-kralovstvo-Afganec-utok-kyselinou.png "title =" Medzi obvinenými I aj "alt =" Source: Facebook

motorcycles In two cases, the attackers managed to remove John to his victims came with another person on the moped, catching him through the camera from the camera at the pumping station where he took the helm room. was not able to locate the moped.If John did not admit and the court considered him adult, the young man would be punished by a judge not a tenth and a half but 22 years behind bars

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