Boys fight for life, threatening their deadly infection


After two weeks in a dark cave, the last group of Thai boys imprisoned in the flooded labyrinth Tham Luang should see the light of day. The situation is online.

What we know up to here:

  • From Chiang Rai Cave, the captains saved eight young footballers: four Sunday, four Monday
  • The flooded area that they had to conquer is from about 1 km
  • with a coach of 25, should be released in the next hours
  • However, coach Ekaphol Chantawong spends another night in the cave complex because the rescuers can not exceed four limbs
  • Eight saved youths
  • More in the article: Rescue canceled: Four boys and coaches stay at the top of a cave another night

ONLINE Transmission:

12:35 According to Thai television, the last, the youngest member of the football team was shot down from the cave, only Chanin, 11-year-old Wiboonrungrueng

12 : 30 It was feared that a group of boys could catch an infection known as histoplasmosis. This can be fatal if it is not treated. Among his symptoms are the exsanguination of the blood, the disease begins in the lungs

12:20 Two rescued boys have already joined the third. The Guardian informs them.

  The coach seems to leave the cave as the last

The trainer will probably leave the cave as the last.

Photo: facebook

12:05 The unfavorable weather is still inexplicable

  The rain accompanies the area where the cave is located for a few days

The rain accompanies the area where is the cave for several days.

picture: sita

11:50 After the 10th boy dragged the diver, they come out of the cave today.

11:35 Another player is betrayed from the cave.

11:20 The information that the ninth boy came out of his captivity on the outside is confirmed

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