Braňo Deák (36 years old) chooses baby's first name with his wife: IT WAS A STAMP!


The actor has confirmed the merry news early in the year and is expected to be a prisoner in July. He and his wife already know the baby's sex, but they do not want to tell him. However, they began to discuss the most appropriate name for Deákovcov.

"We have a lot of names" An actor revealed at the portal and admitted that the name of the boy was the problem. "Too many names are not suitable for Deák's last name." They envisioned Jakub's name, but as a James already had one in his family, they eventually rejected that possibility. They like the names of the girls, Hanka, but they think the name is so widespread that they will finally look for another alternative.

But the actor is clear in at least one. He does not like exotic names. "I do not like the combination of an American name with a Slovak or Hungarian name, it's really ridiculous" the actor says.

Do you like the exotic names of Slovak children?

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