British Prime Minister Maya decides the government. The resignation was also delivered by a key minister


Former Mayor of London Boris Johnson
Photo: TASR / AP

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson resigned Monday from his post. The reason is disagreements in the government of Prime Minister Theresa May on how to get Britain out of the EU, AP informed

It's already the third cabinet member in May that resigned in the last 24 hours. David Davis and his deputy of Steve Baker's European Office also announced his departure, said the BBC.

Maya, according to the statement of his office, accepted Johnson's resignation and soon announced who would replace the outgoing Foreign Minister. Dominion Raab's New Construction Minister Appointed Monday for New Brexit Minister

Davis decided to resign after Maya rejected his suggestions at Friday's meeting with cabinet members on future relations Britain with the EU. In addition to Davis, Secretary of State Steve Baker and Suella Braverman have retired from office

The London-EU negotiations follow-up plan, adopted Friday by the government, considers that supporters of the brexette are too "soft".

The United Kingdom should officially leave the European Union on March 29, 2019.

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