Brussels opposes Trump, the United States consider his best friend


Trump called the European Union as one of the enemies of the United States

16. July 2018 at 7:21 TASR

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BRUSSELS. The European Union continues to be considered a friend of Americans, even though US President Donald Trump sees it as a commercial enemy. Frans Timmermans, First Vice President of the European Commission, said Monday

"When you call your best enemy friends, it will please your real enemies," writes Timmermans on the social network. The European Union is one of the enemies of America

"Europeans and Americans are bound by history and their common values, Europeans never leave the United States. America, because America has never left us. "

Trump, in an interview Sunday, described the European Union as one of the "enemies" of the United States, and this reason was justified by its unjust trading practices of Europeans

"I think we have a lot of enemies.The European Union is an enemy for what they do to us in the store, and you will not have the European Union about it but they are enemies, "said Trump in an interview for CBS News

" Russia is an enemy in some respects.China is an enemy economically, they are certainly an enemy.But that does not mean that it is an enemy. they are bad, it means nothing, it means that they are competitors, "said the White House leader, adding that the EU was" very problematic ".

Trump also opposed Tusk

The chief diplomat who was protecting the world from Trump's chaos

His statements increased tensions between the United States and their traditional allies who emerged last week at the NATO summit, underlined by fears that Washington weakens the alliance shortly before the summit with the Russian president

Vladimirov Putin. Helsinki

Trump opposed Sunday President Donald Tusk, "America and the EU are best friends.All who pretend to be enemies spread false news," he wrote. at Twitters

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