Brutal link for mother Iveta Bartošová: 4 years and a half after the suicide war with Rychtář! Who is lying


Josef Rychtář duly recalled the recent statements of Svatavy, mother of Iveta Bartoš, that the marriage of her daughter with the Czech businessman was not correct and she even planned to divorce her. The reporter did not wait for the reaction for a long time and the sniff sent an approximate reference. "When she did not do it, you did not know her" the raptor and his family continued. "You've never been in my relationship with Iveta, you've never helped her."

He responded to the mother's confession in the recently published book My Daughter Iveta. The widow needed to comment on the assertion that he was keeping her out of the real world. "Ivetka did not call you as you please, she always called for me, and the boulevard I gave her nothing, she had free internet access, I did not limit her in any way. and she could go anywhere and any where, if she wanted to get divorced, she would definitely recommend it, as with my partners, " Raptor defenders. "Let Ivetka sleep in your room and do not reject your own daughter just because you prefer Ivan and Lumira," the widow's family was underwritten.

The very broken relationship with the nearest family should have been the reason why the singer did not leave a single sheet of goodbye and for which the widow refused to give her a remaining family. "Ivetka was a star for you when she was on top – when that was not done, you did not recognize her.You did not want her and you were surprised that you have another baby after birth.The only one who loved him was the father.As a family, you have failed, you are not worthy of owning his remains. "

Whoever is in the law and whoever deceives can certainly argue. However, the book calendar for the Christmas season is definitely commercial and the Bartoš Family family remains open.

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