Bulgaria is building a fence at the border with Romania, the reason is swine fever


African swine fever has also struck other European countries, such as the Czech Republic and Germany.

Bulgaria started building a fence on its northern border with Romania. DPA reported Monday that the Balkan country is trying to counter the African swine fever virus

On Monday, the Bulgarian authorities began to clear the space on their side of the border in order to build a 133-kilometer fence is intended to protect Bulgaria against swine fever infected with swine fever, a viral infection that is not dangerous to humans, but is almost always fatal for pigs and there is no vaccine against it. Although the virus has only been found in Romania at a distance of about 60 kilometers from the Bulgarian border, there is no case of this disease in Bulgaria.

African swine fever has also struck other European countries like the Czech Republic and Germany. (f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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