Burberry burns clothes for millions of euros to maintain an exclusive status


Some time ago, we informed you of the incident that made another fashion brand. Dior copied the design of folk costumes from the Romanian region of Bihor and used it on his own clothes, which he sold in tens of thousands of euros. What is remarkable, however, is that we are not talking about an incident or a case in the case of a Burberry act.

The British Times website says that in the past five years, the brand has burned more than 90 million pounds of clothing, or 100 million euros. This practice is not uncommon in the fashion industry. Prestigious brands sell their clothes for huge sums. However, we can not laugh at anyone because it is only a fashionable affair.

Brands come with new collections, usually twice a year. Fall / winter and spring / summer. These collections are then distributed in branded stores. In the case of common brands, commercial tactics are clear. What does not sell from the old collection is golden and people will be ready to tear off individual clothes. However, prestigious brands do not follow this logic.

In order to keep their pieces expensive, unsold clothing burns to preserve their exclusivity. On the one hand, this step is effective, and for brands like Burberry, which have brilliantly managed marketing, they are really practical. Each piece has two sides. The textile industry is one of the main factors of global warming

Although the typical Burberry men's coat, with its iconic plaid pattern sold for around a thousand euros, is still an extreme amount clothes in ruins. Last year, the clothing and accessories brand was eliminated for 32 million euros. As a commercial tactic, this step is so convenient, but from an economic and ecological point of view, it is a terrible waste. Finance and materials, which are ultimately extremely heavy for the environment. " Burberry uses a cautious process to minimize the waste remaining in our warehouse ", said the British Telegraph spokesperson

in his defense, the mark said: " Burberry claims also that she works with other companies to save energy used during combustion, by consuming it at full price when it comes to clothes.

View also: Internet at this stage of the ring.The fashion brand Boohoo posted photos of the model without removing it


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