Burning in the Gaza Strip continues


Two Palestinians came to life on Friday and more than 80 others were injured as a result of Israeli gunfire, which accompanied a regular demonstration in the Gaza Strip. The AP news agency reported this with a call to local authorities.

<img id = "img-5b5bb620bcc96" class = "lazy_load" src = "http://www.cas.sk/" data-1024 = "https://t3.aimg.sk/magaziny/TUMdwKbSTBf1H78RzPQlVw. 640 ~ ilustra-n-foto.jpg? t = h & LzEwM3gxMjo1ODV4MjgzLzI2MHgxNzQvdG9wL3NtYXJ0 UJDajzomFxHyeVXtqAru1A = & e = 2145916800 & v = 17 "data-1024×2 =" https://t4.aimg.sk/magaziny/TUMdwKbSTBf1H78RzPQlVw~ilustra-n-foto.jpg?t=LzIwNHgyNDoxMTQ5eDU1Ni81MjB4MzQ4L3RvcC9zbWFydA % 3D% 3D & h = npRGRLrs1XrPh8CyPh-S8Q & e = 2145916800 & v = 17 "title =" (ilustračné foto). | Nový Čas "alt =" The Ministry of Health of the Gaza Strip declared that the projectiles caused a fatal wound to a 43 year old man and another, aged 14. The oldest of the victims was identified as Ghaza Abu Mustafa

The Israeli army stated that it was firing after the Palestinians had damaged the fence at the border of the Gaza Strip with Israel One of the PA witnesses said that the soldiers were firing on a group of Palestinians heading for the border, touching the man, sitting about 250 meters away.

Since March 30, when border demonstrations began, Israeli soldiers have shot dead more than 140 unarmed Palestinians on the Gaza border. Two Israeli soldiers lost their lives in the aftermath of a Palestinian fire

Demonstrations are underway under the leadership of the militant Palestinian Hamas movement that controls the Gaza Strip. The motto is in part an effort to draw attention to the Israeli-Egyptian blockade imposed on this territory after the capture of Hamas in 2007. The Israelis say they defend their borders and Hamas, who tried to destroy Israel, abuses demonstrations to hide attempts to disrupt border fences and attack civilians and soldiers

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