Can we gain food for ages? look


Are you trying to lose weight? "Eka", the different food additives constitute a group of substances so different that their effects are still under study.

Most of us know that high calorie foods can cause an increase in our body weight. Various chemicals, the "eekam", are usually avoided in foods because of their allergies, attention deficit of children or cancer. Is it possible that some of them affect obesity?

Obesity and diabetes

A study published in Science Translational Medicine states that propionate, added to foods to reduce mold growth, can lead to weight gain. Propionate is part of the pastry or cheese, but it is also produced naturally in our gut. It is a fatty acid that is part of our body.

However, researchers have discovered that its addition as a preservative can trigger metabolic reactions leading to obesity or diabetes. The mice in which the researchers conducted the study received low doses of propionate, gradually gained weight and also developed resistance to insulin, a precursor to type 2 diabetes.

"Bad" propionate?

After administering a single dose of propionate in foods to 14 healthy adult human subjects, hormones increasing blood sugar levels were released, resulting in a release of blood. ;insulin. But, as Professor Gohkan Hotamisligil of the Harvard School of Public Health points out, "no one claims that this additive is bad."

The fact is that the study did not show a direct link between food consumption with added propionate content and weight gain or diabetes.

However, the researcher wonders whether long-term consumption of propionate by humans can contribute to the onset of obesity or diabetes.

Leave the semi-finished products

Processed foods, that is, blanks and foods processed in different ways to maintain a shelf life or a longer taste and odor, are subject to various studies whose results are unflattering. Processed foods should be avoided and consumed in exceptional cases.

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Even though the "time" that is allowed in us is generally considered safe in the amounts allowed, its impact on our metabolism is not as deep as Hotamisligil points out.

Metabolism and "Ečka" – little known relationship

By examining the safety of various preservatives and additives, they think primarily about their possible allergic effects or their impact on cancer. However, the effect of small concentrations of additives administered repeatedly on our metabolism and its modifications is not under study. Therefore, one may wonder how our body really reacts to these "improvements" in food.

However, scientists themselves point out that it is a timely study with very preliminary results. Longer and more in-depth studies are needed to confirm that propionate has a significant impact on metabolism.

In any case, it is safer to avoid both semi-finished products and "foods" and to eat foods prepared from natural staples. Since many additives are foreign substances to our body, we can not accurately estimate their effects, which can manifest themselves in different areas of our body and can take a long time before some of them are discovered. by scientists.

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