Car makes with the best quality engines. Surprises brought the highest bars


The heart of every car is the engine. The reliability of the vehicle depends on its quality Each brand has its own solutions of drive units. The engines are so different from each other. Which are the best? That's what people are looking for from Warranty Direct, a British insurance company, which offers auto insurance against such problems, especially after the expiration of the manufacturer's warranty.

The first gaps often begin to appear. But there are still many. If you are insured, costly repairs will be paid by the insurance company. Each insured car is guided by accurate statistics of potential failures and the price that must be spent to correct the problem. These data are directly derived from the practice.

According to the data collected, it is possible to review almost all elements of the vehicle For example, the overall reliability of a car or the reliability of its individual components. However, the insurance company protects. In order not to earn a lot of money, this insurance covers only vehicles over 160,000 kilometers. The insurance can be applied up to 210,000 kilometers.

There was no surprise

The following list of the most reliable engines was compiled from 40 well-known brands You will find the luxury brands, but also the brands available for all. It is surprising that in the first tenth you do not find German or Japanese brands known for the quality of their engines. . Aston Martin 9.52 44.202 2. Renault 10,34 [19659006] 75,337 3. Chrysler 10.73 81,558 4. Chevrolet 11.15 62.325 5. SsangYong 11.76 81,478 6. Bentley 11.96 57,077 7. Volvo 13 95 162 8. Maserati 13.16 55.310 9. Lexus 13.48 84.312 10. Nissan 13.65 75.839 11. Land Rover 13.66 112 783 Fiat 14.05 64 161 13. Suzuki 14.29 61 757 Toyota 14.67 78.219 15. Mercedes-Benz 15 83,374 16. Jeep 15.66 82.316 17. Hyundai 15.67 88.163 18. Citroën 16,23 [19659006] 77,744 19. Mazda 16.51 Alfa Romeo 16.53 81 161 21. Porsche 17.13 66,791 22. Honda ] 23. Peugeot 19.13 76 766 17.68 55.915 24. Ford 18.48 83 679 [19659010] 19.57 47 231 27. Škoda 19.76 79 582 28. Saf 29 Opel 21.68 83.406 30. Kia 22.64 84.204 Rover 23.08 50.941 33. Subaru 23.53 91,749 34. Mitsubishi 24.10 35. Jaguar 24,27 [19659006] 94,810 36. BMW 24,39 [19659006] 94,810 37. Mini ] 38. Headquarters 27.06 80 066 39. Audi 30.65 96 195 40. Daihatsu 19659129]

If you look at the first position, you will find something interesting. First, it is the luxury Aston Martin, whose engines have the least disruption However, this brand is not intended for a normal mortal. You have to look at more affordable vehicles. The view will surely fall to the second place surprisingly occupied by the Renault brand, which manufactures affordable vehicles for the general public. Interesting is the placement of the Mercedes brand on the 15th place or the Audi brand on the penultimate bar or BMW on the 36th.


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