Chachra to Markiza for Caputova? Pushkar pays for it!


The inauguration on Saturday of the first Slovak President, Zuzana Čaputová, was a very followed event. Unsurprisingly, all the media, including Markiza TV, were dedicated to it.

It usually covers similar political events through Zlatice Puškárová and Michal Kovačič, who sometimes form a couple of moderators. However, according to our information, Zlatica was supposed to go to Turkey at that time, where she was supposed to be invited to the Ladies Club. A similar party took place last year with the participation of Bibiana Ondrejková or the Twiins duo and the presenter Karin Majtánová.

Chakra in Markiza because of


They all counted and waited, but despite the fact that the inauguration date was fixed and predetermined, she suddenly withdrew her participation. It works as if they were changing the moderator post at the last minute and the blonde was paying for them by canceling the holidays.

However, she loves her job and has been used to unexpected changes in her plans for years of journalism. "The inauguration is the biggest social event of the year, so I have not traveled abroad" the presenter told us about this situation.

Chakra in Markiza because of


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