Chaos in the United States continues: Hundreds of children have not returned to migrant families, they have reasons to do so


The government told the court that the time was respected, the remaining families not being fit for unification with the children.

The BBC News Agency reported that the government had sent 1,442 children over five years old to their parents in the care of US immigration authorities, while 378 children were released for " However, 711 children are under the rule of parents who are not able to find their children, including 431 children whose parents are no longer in the United States, or 120 children whose parents been deprived of the right to join them

  Hundreds of children still do not come back

Source: SITA / Nathan Lambrecht / The Monitor via AP

US President Donald Trump signed a settlement in June for ending the controversial policy of distributing migrant families entering the United States illegally across the border with Mexico, he added, however, that his policy of so-called "zero tolerance of migr Illegal activity remains valid

Following the implementation of the zero tolerance policy in April, at least 2,300 children were separated from their parents at the end of May. This sparked worldwide outrage after photos and recordings of crying children were presented with information that their parents awaiting court proceedings were being held in detention. The reunification of migrant families divided within 30 days was ordered by the Federal Court in California on June 26

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