Chessmen celebrate the jubilee in Košice


One hundred years ago, the world's largest chess tournament was held in the city

. July 2018 at 0:00 Daniela Marcinová

KOŠICE. More than 100 years ago, the world's biggest chess tournament was played in Košice

You can remember this historic event with chess players on Sunday, July 29th.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the tournament of chess ŠK Košice šachové popoludnie

It is open to the public, so if you like this sport and want to practice brain cells, you are warmly welcomed [19659007] Article continues as video advertising

You can also play with an international champion

] An interesting program will be prepared at Aupark.

The tournament will be attended by a simultaneous international champion Pavol Pčol, who won the silver medal at the 1996 Chess Olympiad in Armenia.

Play will be a Swiss system with 5 laps to a rhythm of 2×10 minutes. Points, buchholz, progress and common parts are decided on the order. Prizes and prizes are prepared for the winners.

To be connected before July 28th. The ability is limited to 40 players for the tournament and 20 players for simultaneity, so it does not need to be long.

The history of chess did not stop the war

The mentioned international historical tournament took place from August 5 to 19, 1918 at the end of the First World War

It was dedicated to the memory of Rudolf Charouska, a talented chess player who lived in the late 19th century. He studied law in Košice. He died of tuberculosis in 1900 when he was only 26 years old. "

" It is wonderful that in times of general failure, the City Chess Club has managed to constitute an attractive prize pool and to organize an event with the participation of great European players. ", Explains Marián Holubčík

Slovak winner, did not play

At that time, 12 chess players participated, among them he became the winner of the Austro-Hungarian grandmaster and later the Czechoslovak grandmaster and the native pezinican Richard Reti

Slovenian Milan Vidmar was second and third place was occupied by Hungary Gyula Breyer and Austrian Carl Schlechter

This match Chess was played in the Art Nouveau building of the Košický social circle, which was also known as the Jewish casino on Roosevelt Street today.

The Uhorian Chess Union is there installed for a while.The vice president was elected mayor of Košice and president of the chess club of the city Béla Blanár.

"The tournament was significant in that it marked the Of the peace era. a hypermodern chess revolution, whose main representatives were Réti and Breyer. These "hypermodernists" were working on dogmatic theories in chess theory and discovered and formulated new ideas and strategies in chess play, "says Holubcik, instead of a historic tournament

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