China wants to build peace and stability in the Middle East, promises billions of dollars


Chinese President-elect Si-Jinping pledged $ 23 billion in loans and economic aid to Arab League countries at the Beijing-China Forum in Beijing. According to observers, they are trying to increase the role and influence of China in an unstable region where it has a great economic interest

In the picture Chinese President Si Jingping

This money goes to projects that, according to Si Jinping, job opportunities and will have a positive social impact in the Arab countries that need reconstruction

In addition, Beijing is planning to conclude free trade agreements with all members of the League of Arab States. At the same time, the Chinese president has confirmed his commitment to globalization in the context of the war with the United States. "China wants to join the Arab League … to become a guardian of peace and stability in the Middle East, a defender of equality and justice, and a defender of development. good friends who learn one from the other, "quotes Si Jinping, the South China Morning Post (SCMP).

$ 20 billion want Beijing to be ready for the development of employment and an additional $ 90.6 million to provide reconstruction assistance to Syria, Yemen, Jordan and Lebanon.More than $ 150 million is expected to be used to support social stability. also pledged $ 3 billion in loans to the financial sector in Arab countries Beijing also wants to boost cooperation in oil, gas and renewable energy

In 2010, China has already replaced the United States as the main trading partner of the League ar More than half of China's oil is imported from the Middle East. The region is a key element of China's One Zone project, a means of connecting the region to China via a network of ports, railways, roads and industrial parks

. 19659005] "China will have no choice but to engage politically in the region, especially if the security vacuum in the Middle East jeopardizes China's trade interests," says Joost Hiltermann of China. International Crisis Group NGO in the SVP

M. Pching urged the countries of the region to respect the sovereignty of each other and called on countries to dialogue to resolve the difficult situation in the Middle East

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