Cinkota talked about the past and plans for the future


Enjoy freedom! Day after his release from prison, actor Dušan Cinkot (47) chose to catch the missing.

Thursday night, he receives an opening invitation in the gallery of his longtime friend Andy Glauco (68 years old). The company was made by his pregnant wife Zuzana (32 years old), and the faces of his two partners were clearly legible that they were finally happy

Cinkotova, Zink's wife, even told him that she was wearing a mermaid and that she was happy.

What was your second day of freedom?

He was tripping but he was excellent, and the weather was nice.

What formalities did you have to deal with first?

I had to go to court, to "probation", to solve documents, or only to a citizen card, the other one that I have. You have to shop around the insurance company, the bank, and also the usual things you must have.

How to feel free to become free again? What is it that a man can do normal things again?

It's a great feeling and a great relief. I hope that the things I will know again will not be overwhelming, because as we say, "Let's wait outside, there is a terrible world." But I do not feel terrible.

Under what conditions should you return to prison?

I must break the law, of course, I do not think so. There are certain conditions, but I do not know exactly, that would explain better the pursuit. It is important not to break the law. It is Alpha and Omega.

Do not you worry about going back to society?

I will not talk about my inner fears, sorry. I'm going to work on it

Have you been friends after you're sitting in the base

It's just to show up. In my life, I have lost some friends and I do not think it will freeze me if I lose more. I hope not.

How has your attitude towards drugs changed? (19659007) Was it long ago, that is my answer

Do you feel guilty or innocent?

Have you ever considered your future? Are you planning to return to action?

It is more important that they plan those who plan the work, because I am only an interpreter, an actor. I will see if there are projects that I will cover. Until now, I'm not planning anything, just to take the first steps and see how it goes. But acting is my life, so it is clear that I want to return to it …

Your friend, Mr. Hryc, invited you to the opening. How do you perceive his support that he has shown you?

It's amazing what he did. I did not even know that he had such a sense of justice. We will know years in a year, but his action that has essentially saved my life can not be underestimated. If anyone has an opinion about him, I can not weigh him and I do not like him

Your wife, Zuzana, manages you. What have you already managed to bring together?

We were at the ice cream and in an Italian restaurant where I and my cousin ate well. I already had a beer and my wife. I missed the most.

Are you looking forward to joining the family?

We are very excited, but we are cautious, we are afraid to enjoy it a lot, we make sure it is the best. ! 19659029] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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