CIS respects Lajcak's decision, but according to Sulik, it's incomprehensible – Home – News


29.11.2018 19:02, updated: 19:51

First Vice-President of the SPC, Jaroslav Paška (SNS), respects the decision of Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak (named Smer) to resign. According to him, Lajcak must thank for his work.

"I respect his respect for the United Nations Global Compact for Migration"
that the decision of the National Council of the Slovak Republic is perceived as a doubt about his work
on this document. On the other hand, I realize that it should be perceived
the political environment as it is. Can not do the legislation contrary to
the interests of citizens, "said Paška.

According to him, there is no confidence among the people in this document of the UN, in his
security and the guarantee of a peaceful future. "Political
the scene is not allowed to receive it, "he said.

Paška admits that Lajcakov's departure is a good thing for Slovakia.
"I believe that even though he is giving up the post of minister, that does not mean that he will not be left behind
work in the field of diplomacy, European or European
Slovakia, "he added.

Most-Hid hopes the resignation is not final

The Most-Hid government hopes that Lajcak's decision to leave office is not
definitive and immutable. This follows from the statement of President Most-Hid Béla

The departure of Leopard would not be the best for the moment
signal abroad and it would also be a loss for Slovakia. Most-Hid hopes,
that there is a reasonable place for Minister Lajcak and the Prime Minister
Petra Pellegrini (Smer).

"Departure of the minister with a clear Euroatlantic anchor and
pro-European positions of the post of head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
at the time of martial law beyond the borders of Slovakia would not be the best signal
going abroad, it would also be a loss for Slovakia itself, "he said.
President Mosta-Hid Béla Bugár.

Mosta-Hid MP, Tibor Bastrnák and MP Peter
Antal regrets Lajcak's decision. "We considered it good
Minister of Foreign Affairs, "said Antal, who do not know who Lajčák could be
replaced. "It is important for us not to change the foreign direction
Slovak policy, "said Bastrnák, who hopes that Lajcakov
the resignation is not definitive.

Kaliňák: Prime Minister should not accept resignation

If Minister Lajcak resigns, Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini
(Direction) should not accept it. It is the vice president of the executive and exminister of the interior
Robert Kaliňák.

"He should talk to her about it, I personally think that
Parliament's resolution on the United Nations Global Compact on Migration did not respond to these
criteria for revoking its mandate. The situation has disappeared unnecessarily ",
Kaliňák said, according to which Lajčák has its seat in the ministry
foreign affairs and should remain so.

Kaliňák denies that Smer would disapprove of his overall attitude
the Lajcak pact expelled from his post. "From 2015, we have one and the same
attitude towards migration, nothing is more calculable in Smere-SD than that.
It was predictable, "he said.

He did not want to speculate on a possible successor. "I do not know what would be
I've sometimes addressed answers to hypothetical questions, "he added.

Sulik: Lajčák is incomprehensible and irresponsible

Lajčák is incomprehensible. SaS President Richard Sulik said
in response to Lajcak's resignation.

"He did not leave the government after being stealthily stolen on the death of the journalist and his son.
the fiancee, when Robert Fico side by side with Mary Troška and took her to
the world's shame for Merkel's office, even when Fico broke up against the migrants,
alarming messages from the country, "said Sulík, adding that Lajčák
Slovakia does not join the United Nations Global Compact
on migration.

In the attitude of Lajcak, Sulic sees the Pharisees and speculation. Lajcak
"It leaves Slovak foreign policy to the CIS and the
Fico ". SaS considers that Sulik is irresponsible.

According to Kollár Lajčák proved that he had the spine

Lajcak's decision to resign is correct. He told the reporter
Leader We are the family of Boris Kollar.

"This decision assured me that the guy had at least
Kollar said that Lajčák needed to know how
Smer-SD has migrated to migration since 2015. "Smer-SD was not like that
to build, "said Kollar.

Csefalval says big loss

Minister Lajcak's departure would have taken place at a time when he was politically
a consensus on foreign policy, a big loss. She told TASR
Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, Katarína Cséfalvayová

He thinks Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) will not accept Lajcak's resignation.
The head of Slovak diplomacy considers it a clear and
unambiguous Euro-Atlantic anchorages.

The lady after the quarterly adoption of the resolution of the National Council of the Slovak Republic
on the UN Global Compact on Migration has decided to resign. The speaker informed
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs (MZVaEZ) SR Boris

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