Čižnár should, according to Remišová Šufliarský, suspend the function and publish SMS messages with Kočner


The opposition MP has asked the public prosecutor to suspend his first MP, Petr Šufliarski, and to publish his communication with Marian Kočner.

Attorney General Jaromír Čižnár should immediately suspend the post of First Vice President Petr Šufliarski. He should also publish text messages between Šufliarsky and Marian Kočner, who should also consider acting as a prosecutor and assume his personal responsibility. That's what Veronika Remišová, president of the parliamentary group, said at a press conference in parliament.

The movement responds to information published about Šufliarský's communication with Kočner, accused of ordering the murder of investigative journalist Ján Kuciak.

"According to the information allegedly taken from the record of the investigation, Šufliarsky should have written to Marian Kočner within approximately seven months from January 2017," said Remišová. He recalls that the alleged communications should have taken place at a time when the suspicion of Kočner's serious crime was growing. In his words, the communication had to be friendly.

Contacts are inadmissible

"It is unacceptable for a Deputy Prosecutor General for Criminal Affairs to exchange alleged information with a person who was at that time in the media about an alleged crime," Remišová added. It refers to the current Law on Prosecutors and the Code of Ethics of the Prosecutor General's Office.

Remišová emphasizes that Šufliarsky should not have sent SMS to the contractor, but should have investigated suspicions.

"The prohibition of all contact with criminally prejudicial persons is a norm in advanced democratic countries," said Remišová, according to which the content of the reports should be made public. He sends a letter to the Attorney General asking him to send him text messages and to indicate the measures he has taken.

Remišová does not want to speculate on whether the government coalition is planning to deploy Sufliarsky as public prosecutor. Čižnár will end his term next year. Remišová thinks that after these findings and these suspicions, it is impossible for Shufliars to be the Attorney General.

Assassination of Ján Kuciak

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