Cloned monkeys or genetically modified children – Man – Science and technology


Changes in human embryos, cloned monkeys and now also genetically modified children – here is a selection of research reports in genetics and cloning in China.

The genetic transcription of human embryos is ...

Genetic rewriting of humans
Embryos are banned in the United Kingdom, the United States and many other countries around the world
many consider it to be unethical and dangerous.

The Chinese scientist Cheïien-Kchuy, a Chinese scientist, Che Ťien-kchuy, has formulated critical and untrustworthy answers.
who announced that he had genetically modified several human embryos and that he had
from among them twins a few weeks ago. If his claim
it will be the first children born from genetically re-enriched embryos.

The poorest country in the world would like to become the leader of this research,
However, due to unclear local legislation, roads also open up to a large extent.
controversial experiences. Even with Che Ťien-kchuya, there are doubts.
The University of Shenzhen, where the scientist works, has labeled his research
for "serious violation of academic ethics".

More than 100 Chinese scientists have signed a statement in which his
the project was condemned as unethical and the National Health Commission of China
ordered the instruction of the case. Chinese scientist announced today that his
an experience of indignation and controversy over its ethical aspect
He suspended.

Eight pairs of volunteers participated in his attempts – the fathers were
Positive HIV tests, the mothers had negative tests. a
pairs of the project came out before it stopped. "I must
to justify that this result escaped unexpectedly, "said Che.

"The clinical trial has been suspended due to the current situation,"
He precised. Che Ġien-kiu, by his experience, surprised most scientists and
a lot shocked. Edition of DNA (called the germ line)
are a controversial topic and in many countries of the world, this method is –
modification of human DNA – prohibited. These modifications of the DNA can
even in the next generation, with the possibility of damaging it
some other genes.

Genetic transcription of human embryos is prohibited in the United Kingdom,
many other countries in the world, and many also find it unethical
dangerous. There is concern about the transfer of genetic mutations to others
generations. In research, more scientists have already done genetic editing
human embryos, but the modified embryos were developed only briefly
under laboratory conditions, unlike Che Yi-chuya, that these
embryos, according to their words, used in artificial insemination.

Examples of genetic research and cloning in China in the past

  • April 2015 – Chinese scientists in proteins and
    Cell announced that human embryos genetically modified. Chuang Ťün-ťioua has
    his colleagues at Sunjatsen University in Kanton repaired
    HBB-induced beta-thalassemia damaged using the method
    CRISPR / time9. However, they used "nonviable" embryos.
  • December 2015 – It was announced that in
    The city of Tianjin, in east China, was the first commercial event
    cloning of beef cattle. Investors wanted to produce one million a year
    pieces of cloned cows.
  • January 2018 – Chinese scientists have announced that they cloned
    monkey. Shanghai researchers used the same method as the British
    they cloned Dolly. Chung Chung Chung and Chua, two identical long life mongooses
    The Chua were born at the end of 2017. They were the first cloned primates
    from non-embryonic cells.
  • November 2018 – The Chinese scientist Che Ťien-kchu
    announced that he had genetically modified several human embryos and that they had come from them
    born twins, girls Lulu and Nana. The scientist used the so-called technique
    CRISPR / Cas9, with which the defective gene can be exchanged. He's focused on that
    to the CCR5 receptor, allowing the introduction of HIV into the cell. Che
    Jian-kiu says his goal was to enable fathers with HIV
    infect children at risk of less infection with these viruses
    causing the syndrome of acquired immune failure (AIDS).

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