Coca-Cola encourages visitors to recycle amusement parks and offers a discount on tickets


Some of the UK's amusement parks can be reached in half. Just to bring empty PET bottles

Used bottle buying machines

Merlin Entertainments and Coca-Cola Entertainment have signed a cooperation with vending machines before you go. 39 to enter some British entertainment parks.

A visitor who transfers a polished plastic bottle to the slot machine will in return receive coupons with a fifty percent discount to enter one of the thirty attractions that Merlin Entertainments in the UK use.

When the bottle is used, it is pressed by the machine to reduce its volume by 90%. As a result, it is possible to store more bottles inside the machine and eliminate them so often, which is another way for Coca-Cola to be eco-friendly.

The advantage of used plastic bottle vending machines is, for example, that the recovered material is not contaminated by other waste

Source: Coca-Cola

Briti wants to recycle compensation

The Coca-Cola initiative has launched its own research, in which up to 64% of Britons have said that they would be more motivated to recycle if they were way of reward. Currently, 43% of plastic bottles are recycled in the UK

The reserve deposit system operates in 38 countries worldwide, the consumer paying the deposit in advance and returning it once the bottles and cans delivered.

The company recycles all the plastic bottles that it produces. For two years, each bottle of Coca-Cola would contain 50% recycled plastic

Midway Madame Tussauds

" We want to reward people for recycling plastic bottles and we also hope to motivate those who would not classify them normally "said Jon Woods, CEO of Coca-Cola for the UK and Ireland.

" All our bottles are recyclable and we want to recover them as much as we can to turn them into new bottles and not end up being waste ," he added.

The reduction can be obtained from July 25th to August 30th. Visitors to amusement parks will be able to use the coupons until mid-October.

Alton Towers, Thrope Park, Chessington World of Adventures and Legoland are among the parks covered by the agreement. You can also benefit from a discount at Madame Tussauds wax museum or the London Eye.

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