Cockburners on the verge of the law: Spectators drawn to the cinema for a controversial film, Nazi symbolism


The document The rejected testimony aims to give the Slovak state an image and more positive memories of the Second World War. Dávid Pavlík and Jan Pastuszek, both assistants of LSNS deputies, worked there.

Pavlík is the assistant of Jana Nehézová and Pastuzsek Juraj Kolesár. The documentary should also include historians Martin Lacko, whom they have released from the Institute of Memory of the Nation, or Milan Ďurica, who praises the President of the Slovak State, Jozef Tisz [19659003] Originally screened at two locations, Double HPR. In addition, the Kotlebovci chose "symbolic" date 8.8, which can refer to number 88. It is the abbreviation of the Nazi greeting – the letter "H" is at the eighth place in the alphabet and HH, or 88 means "Heil Hitler" It would not be the first time that the LSNS presents it

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After announcing that the documentary will be screened at Kine Tatran, the main cinema Ľubomír Olejárová, "" The city of Poprad through the city of Poprad through "We will not work with other employees that day unless we are all together and that the action does not work together. Mayor Jozef Švagerk finally canceled after the emergency, "given that the contents of the document in question is highly political and unbalanced, that we have been silenced such as the MP from the Co National Council of the Slovak Republic, Milan Mazurek, with the political affiliation of the authors and guests, as well as the timing of 8.8.2018, symbolically used in extremist movements ". The city also claims to be wrong.

Other local

A restaurant was also removed from the event, in which the film was to be screened a day later. She stated on Facebook that the premises had been reserved by telephone by a person who did not provide details of membership in a political party or extremist group

. "The caller did not inform us of the video presentation about the film about the Slovak State, that it is about a presentation of the Slovak National Association. Slovak, Mazurek, " wrote a restaurant.

"Our restaurant distances itself from all movement when it discovers what it is Tuesday " Our restaurant distances itself from any movement and groups that repress the fundamental rights of the man, of all extremist groups and all parties and political entities "[196599021]

Gól do vlastní brány, known as ĽSNS

L & 39 Mazurek MEP also defended Facebook. "The Lord Mayor and his Vice-Champion, however, scored a goal in their own goal, as on March 27, 2018, this documentary at the Tatran Cinema in Poprad was conducted and with subsequent discussion. Extended version The same goal is reached by a director of cinema whose protests will not come to work because it is to propagate extremism.The same director who allowed the first screening, " claims Mazurek

. However, he admits that the link with the extreme date and the transport of people to the camps (of Poprad was the first transport of Slovak Jews in March 1942) impartial and impartial "This document maps the testimonies of people with positive memory of the first state and is only a balance of public debate ", [19659905] adds

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