Cohen this time in his show Who is America? proved how American celebrities manipulate people and how they can fight terrorism


First episode of last week's show Who is America, directed and produced by Sach Baron Cohen himself. He also portrayed all the characters confessed by various personalities of the United States

That it is about politicians, government officials, leaders of all major groups and all businesses, or simple American personalities or ordinary civilians.

Sacha Baron Cohen does not want to prove directly how these people are primitive. This is what they will take care of themselves . On the contrary, they are trying to find the answer to the name question and, therefore, what the Americans really are.

He does this with a wide range of people, politicians and personalities, and although it's about a preselected and focused person, we can rely on him as more than anyone else. ############################################################################# 39, a representative sample. Especially if these cases are repeated and also independent of themselves and in other states, age and politically based categories.

In the second episode we have an agreement with Dick Cheney, who shares the torture and use of war by his wife. Cohen puts his sarcastic notes "hidden", and although it is extremely sad in this case, you can not resist the explosion of laughter

In addition to Erran Morada, however, we will appreciate other characters who find themselves in the United States head. You also prefer to think of a celebrity from an American reality TV show. I do not want to describe the events of the entire episode, but it's even better and more fun for me than the first.

Those on the Internet have a decent glove, and now Cohen can also show his humorous repertoire. And that he does, you do not have to worry about it. The two episodes have something more than an hour, so they will definitely see them

Time spent watching Who is America? you certainly do not complain. In addition, the first series (we do not know if there will be more) will only have 7 episodes, so we will not have as much time.

On the other hand, you are afraid of what people really are in power in the United States, but you are having fun and laughing as long as you can That certainly will not wrong if you have such a general overview. And now, there is a hub on HBO GO, where both episodes are available.

PS: Jason Spencer from his position as representative of Georgia. He argued in a show that Cohen had wrapped him in his own fear of an attack. He also thought it was an instructional video to be broadcast in Izreali.

In this case, it is all in the video below

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