Colleagues talked about ZVERTSVE, who survived!


Thunder and great sadness. All of this still resonates in the head of my colleague or Miss Mary († 40) of Trhová Hradská, who murdered the husband Ľudovít (43), who was murdered by more than twenty stab wounds in their common house on Thursday after midday. Gradually, information that is literally scary comes back to the surface.

Apparently, only a few of the neighbors knew what hell was living at home with her husband jealous "She did not say that she did not could not stand it anymore.He told him that it was not his, no one, and if anyone found that he would kill her, " revealed Oľga, head of the service station in Dunajská Streda where the murdered woman worked. According to her, Mary, from the morning of the day of the murder, wrote the text message, and she also phoned that she told him that she had a lot of work and that she had to focus on her. "What he lived was hell, but he never trusted anyone," added another of his colleagues, Betty. Mary's son, according to our information, traced his sister to his tragedy.

She left the tyrant

Mary had two jobs because they paid back the mortgage for the home and other loans. However, in recent times, people have often changed jobs, which should have given them a lot of weight. In addition to working at a gas station, she went to clean two other houses. "It was in this one that a man had to find her, drown herself and be kidnapped." He was terribly jealous. " He tells Oleg

But no one understands why all this Mary has suffered. Although, in the words, my colleague was supposed to have a house where she wanted to move with her son after leaving her husband. "I do not know if she had a second guy, but she did not do it mentally.Unfortunately, his words on the fact that he wants to leave him, he'll kill her, they are filled, " another co-respondent sadly replied

And, according to her, she was a poor woman, very friendly, pleasant and hardworking. but she had left her domestic troubles for herself. The police accused Mr. Ludwig of a particularly serious murder crime committed against a close person who was at risk of becoming barbaric for 20 to 25 years or for life

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