Come to R. R. Stefanik Park for a picnic on Sunday »City of Trencin


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By submitting personal information in the form, I authorize the processing of the personal data in question for the purpose of sending newsletters and communicating with each other (for example, accessing questions and answers, s & # 39; subscribe to newsletters). City seat of Trenčín Mierové nám. not. 2, 911 64, Trenčín, ID: 00312037, e-mail: [email protected], declares that it will obtain personal data exclusively for the aforementioned purposes, in the respect of morality and that it will act in such a way as to not to violate the law on the protection of personal data or any other generally binding legal regulation or to circumvent them. Personal data will be processed for 5 years, respectively. until withdrawal of consent, if earlier. After this time, they will be destroyed. Personal data will not be disclosed to third parties. The consent to the processing of personal data may be revoked at any time and for free at the address [email protected]. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95 / 46 / EC Data Protection Regulation), also known as the General Data Protection Regulation (PGR) and Law no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data. The new EU Regulation governs the lawfulness of the processing of personal data as follows: Treatment is lawful only and to the extent that at least one of the following conditions is met:

(a) the data subject has consented to the processing of his personal data for one or more specific purposes;

(b) the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or, at the request of the data subject, to take action before the conclusion of the contract;

c) the processing is necessary to fulfill the legal obligation of the operator;

(d) the processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person;

e) the processing is necessary for the performance of a public service task or the exercise of a public authority entrusted to the operator;

(f) the processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party, except where such interests are put forward by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require the protection of personal nature, in particular where the person concerned is a child. Point (f) of the first paragraph does not apply to treatment by public authorities in the performance of their duties.

Advice on the rights of the person concerned

The consent of the data subject will only be obtained if no other legal basis for the processing of personal data is applied without consent. The provision of personal data and consent are voluntary in this case. If the personal data are processed by consent, the data subject has the right to revoke his / her consent to the processing of the data at any time. The withdrawal of the consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing of personal data on the basis of the consent given before its withdrawal. The data subject has the right to ask the controller to access the personal data concerning him / her, to correct or delete them or to limit the processing, or to oppose the treatment, as well as to right of portability, the right to complain to the supervisor, if the provision of personal data is a legal or contractual requirement or necessary for the conclusion of a contract, if the data subject is required to provide data to personal nature and the possible consequences of not communicating such data. The interested party can claim the rights in question by addressing a request to the following address: City of Trenčín, Mierové námestie 2, 911 64, in person to the mail room or electronically to the e-mail address [email protected]. Contact the person in charge: [email protected]

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