Commission approves takeover of Telenor operators in four countries by PPF


The European Commission has concluded that the recovery does not raise competition concerns

30. July 2018 at 14:58 SITA

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BRUSSELS. The European Commission has approved the acquisition of Telenor mobile operators in Hungary, Bulgaria, Montenegro and Serbia by the investment group PPF Group NV The Commission announced Monday that the proposed operation does not raise no competition problems.

The Commission concluded that there is no horizontal overlap, since the activities of the telecommunications companies are carried out in the different territories over which they hold telecommunications licenses. The group, which takes over a telecommunications company in Bulgaria, three in Hungary and one in Montenegro and Serbia, is a multinational investment and financing group focused on several sectors, including the telecommunications sector in the Czech Republic and the Czech Republic. Slovakia by the O2 Czech Republic. 19659007] [ad_2]
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